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Sampler of Ibérico Cured Meats

Sampler of Ibérico Cured Meats

Taste and Compare Spain's Iconic Charcuterie

Item: SA-19

| US Only




  • Cured Ibérico meats from Spain
  • Includes sliced Ibérico ham
  • Plus sliced Ibérico de Bellota cured pork loin
  • Also includes Ibérico longaniza sausage

Taste the finest of Spanish charcuterie with this gourmet sampler. Ibérico is the ultimate in cured pork and we've gathered some excellent examples for you to enjoy and compare. Serve the slices on a warm plate to bring out the delicate flavors, open a bottle of great Spanish wine and let the tasting begin!

Your first bite will be of Jamón Ibérico. This is Spain's signature ham, made from free-range Ibérico pork. This Ibérico ham is aged for two years in the mountains of Spain. Serve on a warm plate with good bread and your favorite fine wine.

Compare it to slices of dry-cured Ibérico de Bellota lomo - a whole loin seasoned with garlic and smoked paprika and cured for three months. This is a leaner cut of meat with a delightful balance of rich Ibérico de Bellota flavor and smoky Pimentón de la Vera.

Finally cut a few thin slices of a whole Ibérico longaniza chorizo sausage and taste. This cured chorizo is seasoned with paprika and sea salt, with a remarkably different flavor

Your first taste of cured Ibérico pork is a once-in-a-lifetime event. It’s hard to imagine cured meats could taste this delicious. Serve on a platter for lucky guests or give to close friends for a gift to remember.

Sizes for the items included in this sampler are as follows: Ibérico Longaniza Sausage - 7 oz, Sliced Ibérico - 2 oz and Sliced Lomo Ibérico de Bellota - 2 oz.

We may substitute products of equal or better quality for those shown in photo.